The Latest
The Latest
Here's what we've been upto
How Prat suddenly needed help again
How Prat suddenly needed help again
Prat (an assumed name) is a 27-year-old man, who is HIV-infected and almost completely de
Financial report Siam-Care NL online
Financial report Siam-Care NL online
We are proud to present to you the financial report of Hamin/Siam-Care NL over the year 2
Tang's mother is a drug-addict
Tang's mother is a drug-addict
Tang (2010) is a 14-year-old girl who has a somewhat complicated family situation. She li
Pao's aunt is tied up and grandma is blind
Pao's aunt is tied up and grandma is blind
Pao (2013) is an 11-year-old boy who lives with his mother (1976), blind grandmother (195
A Story of Hope and Resilience: From Illness to Stability
A Story of Hope and Resilience: From Illness to Stability
Two years without antiretroviral medication and medical care took a toll on the young boy

The holiday season is almost here again! That time of year where we hand out gifts and have dinner with loved ones. But not for those in Siam-Care's program.
Yes, I want to bless people in need this Christmas
GOAL: €2000
TO GO: €700
About us
The foundation
Siam-Care provides aid
Siam-Care is committed to children and families affected by HIV-aids. We help children to school. And we support poor families medically, mentally and financially
Vision and Mission
What do we try to achieve? And how do we realize our goals?
Our team
Our team consists of 11 people, with different qualities, in three different offices.
Siam-Care has ambassadors across the globe, that help find new sponsors and act on behalf of us.
The board of Siam-Care if formed by various forces experienced in the field of social welfare.
Finances & publications
We seek to be transparant in everything we do. Hence we’re happy to share with you what money comes in and how we spend it.
What we do
Siam-Care works on five long terms projects
Give Future
Give Future
Have an impact
We are unable to chance the entire world, but are able to have an enormous impact on one family or child. Will you support a poor family? You will give them a opportunity for a better future.
Existing sponsors
Do you already support a family or child and would like to do more? Such as sending a letter or gift, possibly visit?