Sponsor a child!
Give hope and future
Children are vulnerable and dependent. When they do not go to school, they miss the basics to build a stable future. There is not always enough money to do so. For instance when parents die of HIV, and grandparents or other family members who take over the care do not earn enough. Through childsponsorships these children can go to school. They can have hope and work on their future to take care for themselves.
How much do you pay?
As a sponsor you pay $30 per month for the development of your sponsorchild. This money will be used entirely for the child that you support.
What do I pay for?
The sponsorship is used for:
- Schoolfees
- Schooluniforms and shoes
- Transportation costs
- Counseling
- Medical check
There will be a comprehensive screening of the family’s financial situation. We need to know if the family is really not able to pay school fees. Only the families who really struggle get our support.