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With Siam-Care we support around 200 underprivileged children and their families. Em (an assumed name) is one of them. This is her story. 

Em (2011) is a 12-year-old girl who lives with her grandmother (1963), father (1990), sister (2012) and brother (2016) in the poor and dry northeastern Thailand. The mother of the 3 kids has suddenly left, leaving father alone with the children now. He struggles to survive financially, also because his mother is ill.

Unfortunately, mothers leaving all of a sudden, is a common problem in Thailand. Many of the children in our program have to deal with parents who are still alive, but completely out of the picture. Since mother left, she has shown zero involvement and there has been no contact with her children at all. And thus father is the only one making an income, while in the meantime he has to take care of his sick grandmother and 3 children. Grandma is suffering from diabetes, kidney disease and hepatitis C and cannot work. In addition to the education of his 3 children, father also has to cover grandma's medical costs. He works as a day laborer and earns 300 baht a day only on days when he has work. The family is struggling immensely and father is very concerned.

Shy, quiet girl

Em herself is a quiet girl who would like to work in healthcare in the future. Only with the help of Siam-Care can she can go to school. She enjoys reading and her favorite subject is mathematics.

Support someone like Em

Thanks to support from people like you, children like Em can go to school. We already have a sponsor for her, but there are many children who are still on the waiting list. Will you make a difference for a child in need?
